Bag in Box je bez dvojbe naš proizvod favorit i nešto na što smo iznimno ponosni. Ambalaža sa pregršt namjena po svjetskim standardima.
Month: October 2017
Credo Unternehmen ist ein Freund von Ihrem Budget und sicheren Ort, wo alles, was Sie zu den konkurrenzfähigsten Preisen in der EU und darüber hinau
Competitive strenght
Credo company is a friend of your budget and safe place where everything you need to find is at the most competitive prices in the EU, and beyond.
Credo tvrtka je prijatelj Vašeg budžeta i sigurno mjesto gdje će te sve što Vam je potrebno pronaći po najkonkurentijim cijenama u EU, a i šire.
By all in one system, our company will produce, design and print the packaging for you.
Durch schlüsselfertiges System wird unser Unternehmen die Verpackung für Sie produzieren, gestalten und bedrucken.
Po sistemu ključ u ruke, naša tvrtka će za Vas proizvesti, dizajnirati i isprintati ambalažu koja Vam je potrebna.
Graphic design
You do not have to go to another company, Credo d.o.o. works and graphic design for your needs when it comes to bags.
Sie müssen nicht zu einer anderen Firma gehen, Credo d.o.o. Arbeiten und Grafikdesign für Ihre Bedürfnisse.
Grafički dizajn
Ne morate ići u drugo poduzeće, Credo d.o.o. radi i grafički dizajn za Vaše potrebe.